On Friday the 18th of February, my elderly Aunty Edna celebrated her 100th birthday!!
As well as a beautiful tribute from her loving family,
she received the congratulations of Queen Elizabeth and other government officials.
Here is 'Queen Edna' presiding over her birthday ceremonies!
A gorgeous arrangement of pink flowers in the shape of 100,
and a very feminine birthday cake made a lovely centrepiece on the table.
Mum & Aunty Edna |
My beautiful 94yr old mother was so happy to be with her older sister on this very special day!!
Both sisters are living at home and are in pretty good health, and very alert and strong in mind and spirit.
They are inspirational to their loved ones and many friends.
We praise the Lord for them and feel so blessed to still have them in the heart of our grateful family.
God is so good to us!!
grace & joy..Trish